Women of Color and the Multicultural Curriculum

Women of Color and the Multicultural Curriculum


Liza Fiol-Matta and Mariam K.Chamberlain
Transforming the College Classroom, with a Segment on Puerto Rican Studies

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Paperback Edition
Publication Date: 05-01-1994

This volume provides a guide to curricular change with respect to women of color. Included are case studies of the actual process of faculty transformation, thirty-seven transformed undergraduate syllabuses, and an interdisciplinary guide to teaching about Puerto Rican women.

The volume is divided into three major sections, the first of which highlights the actual process of faculty transformation and administrative support essential to curricular changes as it occurred on two of the participating campuses, UCLA and George Washington University. Section Two contains thirty-seven transformed undergraduate course syllabi for courses in sociology, American history, and literature, and more, with brief essays describing professors' encounters with teaching the new texts. Section Three is an invaluable interdisciplinary guide to teaching about Puerto Rican women, prepared by a team of scholars at SUNY, Albany. It provided information about Puerto Rican women inside and outside Puerto Rico, as well as teaching strategies for integrating such information into the traditional curriculum.

"Here are the fruits of palpable educational change, real models for faculty and students eager for fresh ideas and exciting modes of instruction. We learn as we teach; we learn from each other. This monumental book extends the range of possibilities for learning and teaching in a multicultural world." —Johnnetta B. Cole, former president of Spelman College

"An extraordinarily useful collection of illuminating theoretical essays, reflections on the actual work of curricular transformation, and detailed, exemplary workshop and course syllabi. The philosophical as well as practical achievements within and across all fields are genuinely inspiring. In fact, the profound cultural and political implications of such intellectual/educational work suggest it could have been titled Education for Democracy. Imagine that!" —Elizabeth Kamarck Minnich, author of Transforming Knowledge